Friday, May 25, 2018

New Ducktales, Season One, Episode Ten: "The Spear of Selene"

Somehow, putting an exclamation point on that title feels very superfluous.  I mean, for most of the other episodes you can at least get where they're coming from, but here...

Yeah yeah, four episodes behind...WHATEVER, mortal. Let's do this, eh?

So this is the episode where they go to the Island of Greek Mythology ("Ithaquack," which is apparently a mythical place; this may be nitpicking, but it kind of annoys me that, although Ithaca is mainly known as Odysseus's home, it's a real place; it's not any kind of myth) and apparently Donald and Scrooge have a history there. While Dewey and Webby go to try to find out what the deal is with Della (who we may recall went off with the "Spear of Selene") in whatever previous episode, the others play games because of this thing where Zeus is pissed off that he can't beat Scrooge. Mmm.

WELL...what did I like? I liked the "Storkules" character, and his history with Donald. Um. I like the idea that Louie's full name is Llewellyn. I like that Donald doesn't try AT ALL in the "games" part. Hmm.

So it's not that I, like, despised the rest of it, exactly. Well, okay, I don't like the whole "let's toss random Greek mythology things in here even if it doesn't make any sense because this is Greek Mythology Island" mindset (bag of winds, golden fleece, siren). And I really didn't like the business with Zeus being jealous. Yeah yeah, Scrooge is the awesomest forever, blah blah.

Nor did I like the whole Della thing, though that may just be me not being down with the whole concept of making her into a big plot point, but whatever it is. "Maybe the sphere isn't an artifact. Maybe it's something else." Yes, maybe it's the fond memories we made along the way. Blah. The whole thing felt confused and forced.

Also, the ending where accidentally dropping the unrelated ball in the game area apparently automatically makes Zeus lose makes zero sense. Oh, and I didn't like the "Scrooge obviously lets him win not even trying to hide it" thing either.

Huh. Looking at all this, it becomes pretty apparent that I really <i>didn't</i> like it, even if "despise" might be going too far. What to the evs, kidsz!


  1. Glad to see this one's finally up - I always enjoy reading your reviews. Just three to go!

  2. Well done GeoX my boy! You tangled with the Spear of Seline and walk away alive... BUT BEWARE THE BUDDY STYSTEM!!! BEWARE!!!

    (Vanish in mysterious mist while laughing)

  3. I feel as though I can't really judge the ongoing subplot about Della until I find out where it goes. There could conceivably be a payoff that makes this all retroactively satisfying.

    Didn't care at all about the contest with the gods, though. Quite forgettable. I've almost entirely forgotten it already.

  4. BTW - The Manticore scorpion while cute joke in theory annoyed me a bit! Mantircore ISN'T FROM GREEK MYTHOS! IT'S PERSIAN!!!

    I did enjoy Storkules in just how good sport he wasn. There is something to admire by how he praises other characters heroics more then his own. I just adore this type of character.

  5. An amusing thing I noticed is that Storkules being a ludicrous bird pun, but Zeus, Charybdis (who's now… male?) and Selene all keeping their actual name, is precisely the same weird phenomenon you discussed back when you reviewed A DuckTales Valentine. I do think they did that on purpose (Ithaquack is already lifted from another of DuckTales Classic's Greek episodes, after all).

    1. It would be tricky to came up with a Pun for "Zeus" that work. It is such as short name (plus by far most iconic figure from Greek Mythos)

      I don't mind this particular inconsistency it's all in good fun ;)
